Easton Grange is a brand new wedding venue which has been open less than a year near the town of Easton in the heart of the Suffolk countryside. I was really overwhelmed by the sheer size of this barn style venue. It is absolutely beautiful with ample room to cater for large wedding guest lists. As you can imagine, I was really excited to be given an opportunity to cover a wedding a brand

spanking new wedding venue, however, there was one little issue know as; the English weather. Oh yes, it rained, actually, it was verging on tropical storm. The rain continued for hours leaving no time to allow the guests to make use of the wonderfully maintained outside lawns. Luckily, the rain subsided later on in the day just long enough for me to capture some great images of Steve & Charlotte underneath the most beautiful full rainbow. I don’t think I need to say any more to convince you to look below!