Ok, so last Saturday was Tim & Sophie’s post wedding party at Bridge Farm in Wickham Market. Not only was it one of the funkiest VW themed wedding party’s I’ve attended,  the people were great. So great in fact that I MUST say a huge thank you to Tim & the boys for getting me out of my sticky situation before I’d even started! NOTE TO SELF: Next time you move onto a grass verge to give way to traffic coming in opposite direction on a one lane country road, CHECK FOR UNCOVERED STORM DRAINS! Especially when the person you’re giving way to turns out to be the Groom! So yes if you haven’t guessed…I had to be towed out!

Now that you’re all laughing, check out a sample of the images below. And visit www.funkydubbar.com to hire that awesome VW Mobile Camper Bar! It was a huge hit!